Saturday, January 02, 2010

Obama Warned of Imminent Attack 3 Days Prior: "This Was Handled Properly"

Nothing to see here, folks...

Systemic failures

Newsweek, of all sources, reports the US had intelligence indicating that al-Qaeda was planning an attack around the holidays:
The senior official said that beginning in early December, based on reports coming in from intelligence agencies, policy-makers had begun tracking a stream of information which alluded to a possible holiday-period plot against the US orchestrated from somewhere in Pakistan.


In a background briefing for reporters on December 29, also attributed in an official White House transcript to a "senior administration official", that official asserted that in the wake of the attempted underpants attack, it had become clear to the President and top advisors that before Christmas, the US government was in posession of "bits and pieces" of information, which, if they had been properly knitted together, "could have...allowed us to disrupt the attack or certainly to know much more about the alleged attacker in such a way as to ensure that he was on, as the President suggested in his statement, a no-fly list."
So they knew an attack was likely, did nothing, and got the country from it was to originate wrong. But, according to an unnamed US intelligence official, "this was handled properly."

Hat tip: Sammy Benoit.

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