Sunday, January 31, 2010

Europe imitating Obama's USA imitating Europe: EU UNEMPLOYMENT HITS 10%


Unemployment in the 16 countries that use the euro hit 10% in December for the first time since the single currency was introduced in 1999.

It had been reported that the rate hit 10% in November, but this has subsequently been revised down to 9.9%.

Some 15.8 million people are now out of work in the eurozone, according to Eurostat.

Across all 27 countries that make up the EU, there are now 23 million people unemployed.

... Some 21% of under-25s in the eurozone were unemployed in December 2009, with Spain [UNDER SOCIALIST RULE SINCE 2004] suffering the highest rate of all, at 44.5%.

"Although the rise in eurozone unemployment has slowed in recent months, it still seems poised to trend higher during much, if not all, of 2010," he said.


If socialism worked then the best countries in the world would the Cuba, the USSR, North Korea, Zimbabwe and Vietnam. Venezuela - despite having the MOST oil of any country in the world - is fast becoming a basketcase like Zimbabwe under Chavez's socialist rule.

Obama was trying to do the same thing here.

It will have the same results.

If the world wants to make poverty history it needs to make socialism history.

Chinese living standards only went up when they invited "evil" Western capitalists and industrialists INTO the country.

Maybe Europe ought to try it!

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