Tuesday, January 12, 2010


From Jerusalem Post:

A nuclear physics professor who publicly backed Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi in the disputed June presidential election was killed Tuesday when a remote-controlled bomb rigged to a motorcycle blew up outside his home.

State media identified the victim as Masoud Ali Mohammadi, 50, a professor at Tehran University, which has been at the center of recent protests by student opposition supporters. Before the election, pro-reform Web sites published Ali Mohammadi's name among a list of 240 TehranUniversity teachers who supported Mousavi.

The government blamed the bombing on an armed Iranian opposition group that it said operated under the direction of Israel and the US. Iran often accuses both countries of meddling in its affairs - both when it comes to postelection unrest and its nuclear program. Israel's foreign ministry had no comment.

The Iranian nuclear program has been fraught with problems which are the result of sabotage.

And, both the United States and Israel are known to be actively attempting to contribute to the sabotage of the nuke program.

The nuclear scientist may have been a mole for our side.

And the regime may have had him whacked in a way that could be blamed on us.

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