Sunday, December 20, 2009


Yesterday, Denmark enjoyed the lowest December temperature since 2000.

That was until today!

A look at the chart shows the record lows for November (1973), December (1981), January (1982), and February (1942) are relatively recent, and even Feb '42 was well into the Industrial Age.

(I do not recall the Wermacht complaining about Global Warming while they were bogged down on the Easter Front!)

Of course extreme temperatures may not be as useful as the Global Mean Temperature but - as informed readers already know- there really is no valid long term database of GMT - only fraud or extrapolation at best.

It is also interesting to note that satellite measurements of the temperature in the mesosphere have revealed no significant increase as a result of a supposed CO2 insulator---but there is evidence that mesopheric temperature reacts to Solar Tides...

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