Wednesday, December 23, 2009


In 2007, everyone accepted that the status quo in Iraq was untenable. The choices were change strategy or withdraw. Bush courageously decided that a Surge in Iraq was necessary to secure the victory. It was an unpopular move, but as Commander in Chief he could do it despite its unpopularity.

It worked. Its success took Iraq out of the equation for the 2008 Presidential race.

And people look back and agree it was the RIGHT thing to do.

Obama and the Left have decided that totally redesigning the health care and the health care insurance industries - 1/6th of our economy - is necessary, despite the fact that most Americans are happy with their current health care and the fact that government run health care systems - Medicare and Medicaid are run poorly, with huge fraud and massive deficits.

The bills in the House and the Senate do not even satisfy a majority of Democrats, let alone voters.

Yet, the Democrats feel that once a bill is signed into law, that its effects will somehow match the effects of the Surge, and people will look back and agree it was the right thing to do. Before the 2010 election.

This is insane.

Any positive effects Obamacare MIGHT have, (and I don't think there will be any at any time, but if there are any, they) can't possibly be felt until 2012-14. But its negative effects will start AT ONCE: taxes will go up, and plans will change immediately.

So, the Democrats are wrong: unlike the unpopular Surge, Obamacare will not have a political payoff for the Democrats.

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