Monday, November 16, 2009

That Can't Be Good

Terrorists in Pakistan are in "open war" against the government and the military.
Pakistan is simply not prepared for this. There have been reports for months that soldiers in some units fighting the Taliban in the Swat Valley were defecting over to the other side. The government has been extremely careful to send only those units they feel are the most reliable into the fighting, but the army is not sure how many of their recruits have Taliban sympathies.
When we lose the Pakistani security forces we have no choice but to invade Pakistan and get those nukes the eff out of there.

Then we have another problem. We can't win in Afghanistan (which should be a secondary theater when you're fighting the same people in two countries, one of which has nukes) if we don't deal with Iran.

And imagine how our troops feel with this clown at the helm.
iranian to obama

We are screwed.

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