Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Italy school crucifixes 'barred' - The European Court of Human Rights has ruled against the use of crucifixes in classrooms in Italy


Maybe if I just play dead, the Muslims will leave me alone ...

Is Italy going to take this?

From the BBC:

It said the practice violated the right of parents to educate their children as they saw fit, and ran counter to the child's right to freedom of religion.

The case was brought by an Italian mother, Soile Lautsi, who wants to give her children a secular education.

But the ruling has sparked anger in the largely Catholic country, with one politician calling the move "shameful".

The Strasbourg court found that: "The compulsory display of a symbol of a given confession in premises used by the public authorities... restricted the right of parents to educate their children in conformity with their convictions."

It also restricted the "right of children to believe or not to believe", the seven judges ruling on the case said in a statement quoted by AFP news agency.

Is the Pope going to stand up to this, or is the Catholic Church, and Italy, simply going to lie down and die?


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