Sunday, November 29, 2009


I needed time to figure out more about the Netanyahu government's now declaring a 10-month freeze on building in Judea/Samaria, and may even be in Jerusalem. Benny Begin may have said that there will still be building during this time - yes, those apartments approved already will continue uninterrupted, but even so, as One Jerusalem also says, this is still very poorly-advised, not just because it sends a message of weakness to Israel's enemies, but also because it angers and divides the right in Israel.

There's opposition to Obama and Netanyahu rising now, with even Ariel's mayor announcing that he won't take part in enforcing any building freeze, and there's warnings that it could even lead to unemployment. It's also causing problems for people who've already paid. The Likud member Danny Danon is leading an opposition in the party to this ludicrous policy, and there's online petitions being formed against it, here and here, which I encourage everyone to sign. And there's 4 other ministers who've also spoken out against the policy now.

Caroline Glick says that Netanyahu weakened Israel this week. The main reason this is a bad move is because it causes division within the right, and that's the last thing we need right now.

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