Wednesday, October 28, 2009



“With 3 percent of the world’s oil reserves, the U.S. cannot drill its way to energy security,” then-presidential nominee Barack Obama wrote on his campaign website in 2008.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) stated, “All told, the U.S. has only 1.6 percent of world’s known oil supply.”

And in the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) added, “The math is simple: America has just 3 percent of the world’s oil reserves, but Americans use a quarter of its oil.”

While America’s proven oil reserves are just 21 billion barrels, which do constitute a small percentage of the world’s proven oil reserves, it represents a narrowly construed, inaccurate depiction of America’s true resource endowment.

Their “math” calculates just a fraction of the real numbers.

To estimate proven oil reserves, a country must first allow drilling to prove those potential reserves — but for America that’s impossible to do when 83 percent of federal onshore land is inaccessible or restricted due to our own government policies.

Moreover, for decades Democrats have aggressively pushed these same policies to wall-off the Outer Continental Shelf for both the East and West coasts and large portions of the Gulf.

... Fortunately, a new government report from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) sheds light on the true picture of America’s energy resources.

The comprehensive assessment looks beyond the Energy Information Administration’s estimates of proven reserves to include government estimates from the U.S. Geological Survey and the Minerals Management Service to include America’s recoverable oil resources from areas both accessible and inaccessible to drilling.

The results show the U.S. endowment of recoverable oil to be 167 billion barrels of oil, not 21 billion — nearly eight times higher than the number pedaled by Democrats.

Remarkably, 167 billion is the equivalent of replacing America’s current imports from OPEC countries for more than 75 years.

But still, oil resources offer only a glimpse of the full picture.

CRS also reveals that America’s combined recoverable natural gas, oil, and coal endowment is the largest on Earth.

In fact, America’s recoverable resources are far larger than those of Saudi Arabia (3rd), China (4th), and Canada (6th) combined. And, that’s without including America’s absolutely immense oil shale and methane hydrates deposits.

If we could get rid of the Democrat majorities in Congress, then all of our economic problems would vanish.

To make poverty history we first have to make leftism history.

To make leftism history we need to make AGW history.


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