Monday, October 12, 2009


Turkey continues to signal its backtrack to darkness:
( A multinational military drill has reportedly been cancelled due to Turkey's unwillingness to allow the Israel Air Force to participate in the exercise.

The cancellation came after the United States and other nations allegedly withdrew from the joint drill following Turkey's ban on Israel's participation.

The air force exercise, which has been held five times since June 2001, was to be hosted by Ankara and originally involved Turkey, Italy, the U.S., NATO forces and the IAF.

But Turkish military officials informed the IDF last week that the IAF was not welcome to fly in this week's "Anatolian Eagle" exercise due to the use of its planes during Israel's counterterrorism Operation Cast Lead in Gaza last winter.

The operation was launched by Israel on December 27, 2008 to end the thousands of rocket attacks fired at civilians living in towns and cities in Israel's southern region. It lasted until Janary 20, 2009.
Ah, so that's it. Again, we find a so-called ally discriminating against Israel's right to self-defense and blaming the victims instead of the terrorists who launched rockets at Israeli targets. In that case, I think it's better not to bother wasting time with Turkey, submerged as badly as they are in their selective memories.

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