Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Likud member Dan Meridor is a left-leaning figure within the party, that to my knowledge there are people there who don't like him, yet the higher brass kept him around as a drawing card for possible left-leaning voters. Now, he's at his shtick again, using his ministerial power to sabotage a vote on ensuring a referendum on the Golan Heights:
( Intelligence Minister Dan Meridor (Likud) used his ministerial power Tuesday to hold up a bill that would require a referendum on any surrender of the strategic Golan Heights. His move set off a storm of protest among Golan leaders, who charged that the minister is trying to torpedo the bill because of his political stand, despite his expressed concerns for international relations.

As a minister, he exercised his privilege to force the Knesset committee that is considering the bill to return it to a ministerial panel. He argued that allowing the public to decide the international border with Syria, which claims sovereignty over the entire area, would “create an undesirable gap between Israeli law and international law.”


Katzrin regional council chairman Sammy Bar-Lev told Arutz-7 that he hopes Likud voters will settle a score with Meridor. “We are very disappointed and angry. He has all kinds of legal reasons…but the bottom line is that he caused a delay when we already had a majority.” He added that coalition leaders promised him that the bill will return to the Knesset committee for a vote by next month.
Sooner or later, the Likud is going to have to let Meridor go. He's nothing but a troublemaker on his part, parroting the very kind of propaganda the UN approves of.

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