Saturday, October 10, 2009


I think Jim Demint has been out front on all the issues, leading the counter-attack against Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the radical left.

I think he'd make a great president.

Here's his op-ed in today's WSJ. EXCERPT:

America's Founding Fathers—like the framers of Honduras's own constitution—believed strong institutions were necessary to defend freedom and democracy from the ambitions of would-be tyrants and dictators. Faced by Mr. Zelaya's attempted usurpations, the institutions of Honduran democracy performed as designed, and as our own Founding Fathers would have hoped.

Hondurans are therefore left scratching their heads. They know why Hugo Chávez, Daniel Ortega and the Castro brothers oppose free elections and the removal of would-be dictators, but they can't understand why the Obama administration does.

They're not the only ones.

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