Thursday, October 01, 2009


Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak almost got thrown in the clink while travelling to Britain, because of Arab families hostile to Israel exploiting Britain's legal loopholes that are similar to their allowing libel tourism suits to take place there. Luckily, the UK court rejected the petition they gave because of Barak's diplomatic immunity.

However, as Phyllis Chesler rightfully worries, this could signal the possibility that those Israelis who don't have diplomatic immunity could be less fortunate if they travel to countries like Britain. And she's right, this is a serious concern, that countries like Britain, if anyplace, will do to Israeli soldiers and other officials with lesser status what the Hamas did to Gilad Shalit - make them prisoners of a political form of terror.

I'll say for now that this is one more reason why Britain does not deserve your hard-earned money if you're thinking of going on a travel tour. Some serious tasking is going to have to be done in order to speak against this atrocious violation of rights that Britain is committing, and make it clear that they're going to have to cut it out.

One more question this brings up: will Ehud Barak finally start to realize that the palestinians are not worth his time in pandering to, and would only do him harm? We can only hope, but not be sure.

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