Thursday, October 01, 2009

Cap-and-Tax Grants Monopoly to ACORN-Colluding, Anti-Semite-Employing GE

Must be for their 24/7 lobbying for the DNC on MSNBC, while somehow finding time to do propaganda for global warming. And now they're getting a government monopoly. How cozy!

From Green Hell via The Corner:
Sen. Barbara Boxer’s climate bill set to be released today contains a provision that will compensate General Electric quite nicely for its lobbying and media efforts promoting climate legislation.

Section 821(c) requires that, by December 12, 2012, the EPA set standards for greenhouse gas emissions from “new aircraft and new engines used in new aircraft.”

General Electric is the world’s largest manufacturer of commercial and military jet engines, a business worth about $12 billion in annual revenues.

So the Boxer bill would compel airlines and the military, when purchasing new aircraft and new aircraft engines, to purchase more expensive “green” engines made by GE, according to standards set by the current and GE-lobbied Obama administration.

Yeah, and we already bailed them out for a whole lotta money. Remember that?

Yeah, like $11 billion or something:
Apollo Alliance exerts a powerful influence on the views and policies of the Obama administration. AA helped craft portions of the $787 billion “stimulus” legislation (officially called the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) that President Obama signed into law in early 2009. Specifically, AA had a hand in writing the “clean energy and green-collar jobs provisions” of the bill, for which $86 billion was earmarked. This included funds “to build new transit and high speed rail lines, weatherize homes, develop next generation batteries for clean vehicles, scale up wind and solar power, build a modern electric grid, and train a new generation of green-collar workers.” AA recommended that the stimulus bill allocate $11 billion for the development of a so-called "Smart Grid," which would use digital technology to deliver electricity from suppliers to consumers; ultimately the bill allocated precisely that amount to Smart Grid-related projects, including a $100 million provision for job training related to Smart Grid technology.

And remember how they sent their henchmen after Glenn Beck? Remember how they sent Olbermann and Maddow out for his blood, especially right after Van Jones, the Green Jobs Czar, resigned?

Remember how they were already going to receive a ton of money from this abomination of a bill, even before all the military contracts?

That's just really interesting.

And then today, the ever-classy White House went after Beck on their blog.


Yeah, they did that. No, I'm not linking to them.

They are such nice people, those GE folks, though. They say such nice things to an inquiring public (which happens to be funding them), like "Bite me Jew boy!" when ordinary citizens call to inquire about the return they are receiving on their investment.

This is just swell.

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