Thursday, September 03, 2009


Changes being made to reflect the "Muslim heritage."

From the Jerusalem Post, with a hat tip to A New Dark Age Is Dawning:
An educational foundation in the UK has announced plans to distribute to high schools a free book that highlights the scientific and cultural legacies of Muslim civilization.

1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in Our World is the creation of the Foundation for Science Technology and Civilization (FSTC), a Manchester-based organization set up to raise awareness of the contributions of the Muslim world to modern civilization.

FSTC said the contribution that Muslim and other civilizations have made to the modern world has been widely overlooked and that its team of academics has focused on debunking the myth of the so-called "Dark Ages of Civilization."

"The period between the 7th and 17th centuries - which has been erroneously labeled 'the Dark Ages' - was in fact a time of exceptional scientific and cultural advancement in China, India and the Arab world," Prof. Salim Al-Hassani, chief editor of the book, said.

"This is the period in history that gave us the first manned flight, huge advances in engineering, the development of robotics and the foundations of modern mathematics, chemistry and physics."

The foundation said it hoped to distribute 3,000 copies of the book to UK schools by October and is seeking public support for the campaign through a sponsorship scheme.

Last month, British evolutionary biologist, popular science author and outspoken atheist Richard Dawkins announced plans to distribute free DVDs to high schools across the UK....
Of course, similar drivel is already in many of the textbooks being used right now in the United States. Bad as those books are now, they could be propagandized even more. And at the rate the dhimmitude is proceeding amongst the elite leftists here in the States, we will see a similar development here - as a supplement to use in the classrooms.

Also note the echoes of similarity in the words of BHO at the White House dinner celebrating Ramadan:
President Barack Obama highlighted the contributions made by Muslims to American culture and the “dynamism and diversity” of the Islamic community.

“Islam, as we know, is part of America,” Obama said at a White House dinner celebrating the Islamic holy month of Ramadan....
The White House dinner celebrating Ramadan was held on the fifth anniversary of the barbarous attack on the school in Beslan. Talk about a disgusting irony!

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