Wednesday, September 02, 2009

New Video From A4A: Shariah Finance - USA Lawsuits and AIG

Like forcing all females into permanent prostitution under threat of death? Think raping kids, even your own, is awesome? Wanna kill a bunch of Jews and Christians? Then put your money in AIG!

Or just pay your taxes. Besides being unconstitutional for bailed-out companies to engage in (if Islam is actually a religion, which it's not) and absolutely treasonous in any event, Sharia banking is fraudulent. They sell it as being "low risk," "ethical", "socially acceptable", and "interest free," thereby engaging in securities fraud. It's also discriminatory because those who are not in on it pick up the tab for the interest on behalf of those who are. These people must be stopped. Ever notice how every advocate of it is either a headbanger jihadi or on the Saudi dole?

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