Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Phyllis Chesler reports that Nonie Darwish, herself a former Muslim who converted to Christianity, has formed a new organization called Former Muslims United, a special civil rights outfit for apostates. She's scheduled to speak at Whittier College today about this, and here's a bit from the press release:
“Prominent former Muslims– apostates from Islam– will hold a press conference Thursday, September 24 to announce the launch of a new civil liberties organization, Former Muslims United, and the start of a national campaign to educate the American public and policymakers about the threat from authoritative Shariah– Islamic law– to the religious freedom and safety of former Muslims.

At the press conference, Former Muslims United founders Nonie Darwish and Ibn Warraq (both internationally-respected authors and scholars) will release letters calling on the Department of Justice and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to investigate possible hate crimes and civil rights violations against apostates from Islam, including the circumstances of the current Florida case of 17-year old Rifqa Bary, a former Muslim. The letters are also signed by Former Muslims United co-founders Mohammad Asghar, Wafa Sultan and Amil Imani.”
Predictably, the Muslim Student Association tried to defame her and stop her from speaking, and the college directory didn't do much else to help either.

I applaud Darwish and company for thinking of this, since this is something even Rifqa Bary could get aid from.

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