Sunday, September 20, 2009

I Repeat, The 9/12 March In Washington DC Was The Largest Political Rally In the History of the US

A week later, and not a single conservative blog has picked up on what I posted, both here and at IBA.

This must not be because I am wrong - (because I am right; there's no question about it).

Pamela at Atlas Shrugs (to whom I emailed the story) used my title without attribution, but she did not use any of the post which backed it up.

Until we look into the facts, the MSM is going to continue to bury THE LARGEST POLITICAL RALLY IN THE HISTORY OF THE US.

Are Gateway Pundit and Roger Simon and the others who read this blog going to continue to ignore this post?


So, I repeat: I am reposting the entire thing, in the same form as I posted it on 9/12.

From IBA and Astute Bloggers (9/12/09):


Compare that to 250,000 for the MLK speech. Now admittedly, the country had a smaller population at the time, but the problem MLK was dealing with was far more specific. It was a matter of right and wrong.

Honestly, there is a sense in which everyone OUGHT to have been there.

Additionally, in Martin Luther King Jr., that movement had a central Charismatic figure around whom to rally.

This new American movement does not have a central Charismatic figure as a fountainhead.

This Rally is, as I see it, a Rally in support of our Democratic Republic; our Constitution.

That is a complex set of ideas, but obviously it is a set of ideas that Americans have been willing to fight and die for repeatedly throughout our history.

I think Democrats in Congress would be advised to see this crowd for what it is; a massive uprising against the Obama Agenda.

UPDATE FROM PASTORIUS: I just got off the phone with Always on Watch. She tells me the word is, DC Metro Police estimated the crowd at 2.4 million.

I have also received multiple reports that since the time of the ABC estimate of 1.5 million people, hundreds of thousands were still streaming in.

AOW reports that of the tens of thousands of people she personally laid eyes on today, she saw seven Ron Paul t-shirts. That's it.

So, shut the fuck up, Charles Johnson.

Always on Watch promises to post photos tomorrow.


A Political Rally vs. A National Event

The Obama Inauguration was not a political rally. It is a national event.

The Obama Inauguration drew an estimated 1.8 million people.

Lyndon Johnson Inauguration, by comparison, drew 1.2 million people.

By comparison, the Johnson Inauguration was bigger in relation to the relative sizes of the American population at the times of the inauguration.

But, I don't think that counts, because, as I said, Inaugurations are National Events, not Political Rallies.

The largest ever Political Rally, previous to yesterday, was the Earth Day political rally was, essentially, a free rock concert featuring the B-52's, who were at the time riding a wave of popularity with their huge hit Love Shack:


ABC News Denies 1.5 Million People Attended Tea Party - Photo and Video Analysis Says There Were At Least One Million
The friggin' Washington Post is reporting only 60-70,000 people showed up.

Check out these three posts and tell me that's only 60-70,000 people:

Even if the number is "only" 1 million, that still makes this

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