Friday, September 11, 2009


Over on Jihad Watch, they present a discussion Andrew Bostom had with the propagandistic pro-Islam journalist Michael Kruse, who doesn't like Rifqa Bary, and doesn't like Bostom or Pamela Geller of Newsmax/Atlas Shrugs either. From what I can tell, Kruse refused to answer on whether he ever interviewed any of Rifqa's friends in Ohio, and did not want to provid any intelligent answers on anything else in the case either. Honestly, I think Mr. Kruse does stand discredited.

In more news on the subject, Geller has interviewed Jamal Jivangee, another apostate, pastor, and one of the people in Ohio who helped work on her conversion to Christianity. He takes on the mendacity displayed by Newsweek, long one of the most loathsome newsmagazines on the stands. And here's another interview with another of Rifqa's friends, Brian Williams.

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