Monday, August 31, 2009

What Signs of 'Right-Wing Extremism' Law Enforcement Are Trained to Look For

The most interesting part of this is in the beginning, where he says that the Southern Poverty Law Center invented the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. The Southern Poverty Law Center is the wackjob legal defense institution that tried to cash in on the DHS report on right-wing extremism until it came out that they also wrote it and provided 1/3 of the references for it. They get into some really interesting stuff about Morris Dees at the end.

Oh, and the SPLC has been holding hands and making googly eyes at Obama since day 1.

Pro-life people, Ron Paul supporters, Tenth Amendment defenders = terrorists.

Oh, and did you know that the KKK were conservatives? Fascinating, since the Democratic party was founded on slavery and they introduced and propped up every single piece of discriminatory legislation in American history.

Thanks to Americans for Limited Government for providing me with this.

Write your representative and tell him/her to defund the SPLC here.

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