Monday, August 24, 2009

We're in another oil bubble and it's going to burst

Waxman-Markey is a central reason why oil has gone up from $35 to $75 bucks a barrel.

When it becomes obvious that Waxman-Markey will fail, the oil bubble will burst - all at once.

This will happen after Obamacare collapses and it becomes obvious that Obama --- despite Rahm's threats and Axelrod's astroturfing AND DESPITE SECRETLY PROMISING WAVERING CONGRESSMAN AND SENATORS THAT THE WHITE HOUSE WILL SEE TO IT THAT BILLIONS OF PORKULUS MONEY GOES INTO TIGHT DISTRICTS NEXT YEAR, (after all that's the only plausible explanation for why they haven't spent it yet!) --- will not get his CAP & TRADE program through Congress.

IOW: When Obamacare fails (or passes in a highly watered down form) the oil markets will crash.

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