Sunday, August 30, 2009


About a week ago, at Infidel Bloggers Alliance I reported that a woman I am friends with told me that she has lived in Coto De Caza, CA (it's a country club area) perhaps 8-12 miles (as the crow flies) from Pendleton, and she has never heard "anything like it."

For the past "two weeks" there has been "non-stop night time bombing" exercises going on.

She said that in the past 12 years she has never heard bombing for more than one night, and even then, it's only been a few bombs.

I asked her if some of the bombs were bigger than any she had ever heard before, and she said, "Yes."

Is Camp Pendleton conducting practice night time raids against Iran?

(My stories on this can be found here and here).
Today I discovered corroboration for the story told to me by my female friend from Coto.


Noise Advisory

Aug. 26 - Sept. 4, 2009

Wednesday, Aug. 26

- Mortar Live Fire = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High Explosive Munitions into the Zulu impact area.
- Demolitions Training = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High Explosives into the Whiskey impact area. (up to 60 lbs)

Thursday, Aug. 27

- Mortar Live Fire = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High Explosive Munitions into the Whiskey & Zulu impact area.
- Demolitions Training = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High Explosives into the Whiskey impact area. (up to 500 lbs)

Friday, Aug. 28


Saturday, Aug. 29


Sunday, Aug. 30

- Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High explosive Munitions (1,759 lbs) into the Zulu Impact Area

Monday, Aug. 31

- Artillery Live Fire = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High Explosive Munitions into the Whiskey & Zulu impact area.
- Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High explosive Munitions (1,759 lbs) into the Zulu Impact Area

Tuesday, Sept. 1

- Artillery Live Fire = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High Explosive Munitions into the Whiskey & Zulu impact area.

Wednesday, Sept. 2

- Artillery Live Fire = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High Explosive Munitions into the Whiskey & Zulu impact area.
- Mortar Live Fire = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High Explosive Munitions into the Zulu impact area.
- Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High explosive Munitions (1,759 lbs) into the Zulu Impact Area

Thursday, Sept. 3

- Artillery Live Fire = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High Explosive Munitions into the Whiskey & Zulu impact area.
- Mortar Live Fire = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High Explosive Munitions into the Zulu impact area.
- Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High explosive Munitions (1,759 lbs) into the Zulu Impact Area

Friday, Sept. 4

- Demo Training = 0600-2359
Ø Firing High Explosive Munitions into the Zulu impact area.

Note, the Orange County Register Newspaper announced these "High Explosive Munitions" back on the 25th of July.
I say I heard F-16's going overhead during the day time. Now, I could be wrong about that. I did not see them. But, what I heard sounded like the same jets they send out over Disneyland, or out to LAX or OC Airport when there is possible trouble.

One time, shortly after 9/11, when I was working in a high-rise building in Burbank, a F-16 (on a practice run which involved an event at the Rose Bowl) buzzed the building I was in, probably no more than 200 feet above us. Perhaps ever lower. I saw the thing right out my window.

Man, those things haul ass.

The building shook like you wouldn't believe. Of course, being that it was right after 9/11, and the mission had not been announced beforehand, this scared the hell out of us.

Anyone, point is, I have seen F-16's up close and personal on several occasions.

But, I could be wrong. Remember, I'm just a goofball. I'm no expert.

By the way, I don't believe the part about the Marines only using 1759 lbs. of explosives per evening.

According to the woman I talked to, the "bombing goes on all night long", and she is hearing bigger explosions "than I have ever heard in the 12 years I have lived here."

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