Saturday, August 22, 2009

Selling Our Civilization for Oil

This week has seen three incidences of gross abuses of power/acts of civilizational degradation, all in committed in the name of the almighty petrodollar.

First, the US loaned George Soros $2 billion for a business development deal via an offshore drilling operation in Brazil while refusing to tap into shale deposits which would provide the US with enough natural gas to last for 65 years. (H/T: Reliapundit for the IBD story.) Meanwhile, we're expected to believe that Cap-and-Tax's purpose is provide cleaner energy and reduce our dependence on foreign oil rather than line the coffers of the Federal Reserve.

Then, the Swiss President apologized to Qadaffi for the arrest of his son last summer after he and his wife physically abused, threatened, and coerced two servants (slaves). The Libyan regime responded to the arrest by sanctioning Swiss companies, suspending oil deliveries, and withdrawing $5 billion in assets from Swiss banks. They also detained Swiss citizens in Libya. Switzerland upheld the rule of law and basic human rights, to which Libya responded with the unlawful detention of foreign nationals. And Switzerland apologized.

This would seem particularly egregious if not for the UK's mass-murderers-for-oil scheme in which Tony Blair negotiated an under-the-table agreement to release the Lockerbie bomber, convicted murderer of 270 civilians, in exchange for a $900 million oil exploration deal with BP.

Such is leftism. No horrendous deed goes unrewarded, and our elected representatives sell their constituents, their national soul, all human decency, and justice down the river as they shill for their own corporate interests.

The moral of the story: never elect a leftist or anyone opposed to drilling here, drilling now. The rule of law and the dignity of the free world are not worth a bunch of hope-'n-change hot air.

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