Saturday, August 22, 2009

Once again: Bush=Hitler OK; Obama=Hitler not OK

We read:
"In the wake of this week's beating of a black fisherman in an apparent hate crime, a leader of the Jewish community says hate speech becoming more acceptable. Speaking at a City Hall news conference with Mayor Sheila Dixon and clergy leaders on the beating of James Privitt, Art Abramson said that he's heard hate speech at the recent town meetings on health care reform..

The executive director of the Baltimore Jewish Council said he is bothered by comparisons of various health care reform plans to Nazi atrocities. "Identifying this health care plan as a Nazi like plan shows how quickly we are accepting out there these comparisons...comparisons that are wrong as these people have no idea of what happens when we begin to see Nazi like plans," Abramson said.

Abramson says as hate speech becomes more acceptable in conversation, incidents like this week's beating will increase.


One might note that Mr Abramson is the author of a site that includes an entry about "How Bush's Grandfather Helped Hitler's Rise to Power" -- so connecting Bush to Nazism is obviously fine by him. Shame on you for your hate-speech, Mr Abramson!

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