Saturday, August 01, 2009

Obama's Judenrein Jerusalem

Our tax dollars at work!


You wouldn't think it was the capital of Israel at all to look at the US Consulate's website. You might even walk away with the insane impression that Mohammedans actually had any legitimate historical or theological ties to Jerusalem or right to be there at all barring unwavering loyalty to Jerusalem as a Jewish city.


Their email is UsConGenJerusalem@state

Also note the link in the upper right corner to an Arabic translation but not a Hebrew one.

From Powerline:

A friend called to my attention the home page of the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem, which is devoid of any material pertaining to Jews or Israelis. Every item visible on the page is about Palestinians.

A fair reflection, I think, of where this administration's sympathies lie and how it sees Jerusalem.

obama antisemitic jew hater

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