Sunday, August 09, 2009

Meet the People You Parasitize As a Career, Libtards

Socialist libtards get their asses handed to them by my man Kevin Jackson, who doesn't appreciate being lectured on history, civil rights, and the joys of career parasitism by some kid who can't speak in complete sentences yet. Socialism is what destroyed the black family, which had endured every imaginable hardship up until the Great Society. Kevin Jackson knows that moving onto the plantation is not the way to upward mobility.

By the way, these were apparently SEIU thugs disguised as real protesters, so my characterization of them as career parasites is wholly valid. At least these SEIU thugs didn't have the nerve to be morbidly obese while demanding that I pay for their health care.

H/T: Stephen Kruiser


  1. "Socialism is what destroyed the black family, which had endured every imaginable hardship up until the Great Society. Kevin Jackson knows that moving onto the plantation is not the way to upward mobility."

    Well said, my friend, well said!

  2. You may enjoy this classic article by my girl Star Parker. The plantation analogy is more apt than most people realize, certainly more than I did before I read it.
