Thursday, August 13, 2009


Today, the Washington Post offered this front-page puff piece, presented as historical analysis. The following paragraph appeared above the fold:
President Obama will bring his notably calmer, cooler demeanor to the Vineyard when he arrives Aug. 23 for a family vacation....
The WaPo couldn't resist adding this barb, also on the front page:
The president who preaches bipartisanship has chosen to stay at the private estate of a prominent Republican....
According to the article, BHO is paying for the vacation himself - at least $25,000 to rent the estate, then goes on to gush about how wonderful it is that BHO is paying for his own vacation:
Obama's public vow to pay his family's portion of the rent on Martha's Vineyard is unusual, several historians said.
If BHO were the family man he claims to be, he'd give the $25,000 to one of his poverty-stricken relatives. No mention of any of those relatives in the WaPo, of course. Mustn't put "The One" in a less-than-perfect light. **snerk**

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