Monday, August 17, 2009


Atlas Shrugs (via Jihad Watch) reports that the MSM and the parents of Rifqa Bary, as well as the Islamic Society of Central Florida, are conducting a libel campaign against Rifqa Bary, the teenage girl from a Muslim family who converted to Christianity, claiming that she was "brainwashed/kidnapped by a cult". In other words, this father who claims he respects her conversion is insulting the kindly pastor and wife who took her in by demonizing them, instead of thanking them.

Pamela has some screenshots of Bary's Facebook page that help back up her side of the story. And there's also this letter sent to Counter Jihad by a friend of hers:
I know that her dad is a threat to her, because I am friends with her and have heard her talk about it. In addition, when she took off and ran, I was one of the last people to talk to her via cell phone and as a result her dad started obsessively calling me and being very harsh and threatening towards me, while demanding that i tell him where she went to.
I hope her friend will also help testify in her defense. She will need it. Can a complaint be filed against the father as well for phone harrassment?

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