Wednesday, August 19, 2009


From this article:
In the Middle East, myths have a way of stubbornly clinging to life. A new book by two experts, Dennis Ross (back in government after an eight-year hiatus) and David Makovsky, lays out the region's most tenacious falsehoods—and explains how the United States has been misled by them.
Two of the four points listed:
The notion that resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will cure the entire area's dysfunction is wrong. Most Arab problems have nothing to do with Israelis and Palestinians, and will fester long after any peace agreement between the two sides.


Engaging extremist groups such as Hamas and Hizbullah is counterproductive because it undermines moderate Arab forces and discredits U.S. peace efforts.
Read it all. The article even mentions that the GWB administration had a valid point with his idea of promoting democracy in the Middle East. Heh.

Wonder what BHO thinks of that little Newsweek item?

1 comment:

  1. Wow.

    Will you do me a favor and post this at IBA?

    This is amazing. What is happening? Are we seeing the beginning of a paradigm shift in Obama's wake?
