Monday, August 17, 2009


Short video of particular interest to me (hat tip to Hard To Swallow):

As of this past spring, after long months of searching options and filing applications, this household of two has two individual, high-deductible policies.

Indeed, such catastrophic-coverage policies are the only kinds of policies that Mr. AOW and I can afford. Specifically, the monthly premium for Mr. AOW is nearly $500, mine nearly $200. Mr. AOW and I are close in age. Why the difference in premiums?

Mr. AOW has the dreaded pre-existing conditions, all under control and being treated successfully for well over ten years; he has never been hospitalized for any of his pre-existing conditions. Furthermore, because of the economy and Mr. AOW's age, he is unable to work enough to pay the monthly premium for his policy right now.

ObamaCare would force us into a higher priced policy! UNACCEPTABLE!

Mr. AOW lost his job of some twelve years in January 2008 because the employer-based policy was costing a business suffering a downturn which required cutting back on expenses. Said employer, therefore, laid off Mr. AOW and several others. The company then hired younger workers who opted out of the health insurance plan offered by the company.

My income and assets, pitiful as they are, precludes my husband's option of going onto Medicaid. We are faced with the situation that a divorce would solve the health-insurance problem for Mr. AOW and our financial future. Disclaimer: no divorce proceedings have been investigated or initiated.

Should ObamaCare as outlined in the above short video become law, I wonder how many others will face a situation similar to this household's.

1 comment:

  1. health benefits offered by morning walk
    The secret of longevity for a major section of people who are ‘ octogenarians ‘ – That is People who are in their eighties would be morning walk which was done for decades. People have nowadays gradually started realizing the importance of morning walk in shaping the health of human body. But still there are umpteen number of people who do not unwind themselves from their mechanical lives. Technological advancements have made life more simpler in all respects but we humans must also pay the price for it if we do not allocate time in our hectic schedule for some physical work like walking or visiting Gym’s. Around fifteen years ago, TV remotes were rarely found in houses and hence we used to walk at least for changing channels. But now ? Sitting hours together in front of the idiot box, continuously feeding the stomach with snacks or sweets, leading to obesity. If you question a doctor on the health benefits offered by walking he would give you a long lecture. Let us see some of the benefits.
    1) It is a stress buster which instills a feeling of freshness to the body as well as mind.
    2) blood circulation is promoted, reducing greatly the chances of high blood pressure.
    3) Checks obesity by burning unnecessary calories of fat in the body.
    4) It makes the joints more strong and hence people would be less susceptible to Orthopedic troubles associated with old age.
    5) Chases away neck pain and back pains.
    6) If you go walk in a park surrounded by trees, you will inhale more fresh air, containing higher concentration of oxygen, thereby bringing down breathing problems too.
    7) Keeps sugar levels under control.
