Monday, August 24, 2009

Editor of Swedish Paper That Printed Story Saying Jews Use Palestinians To Harvest Organs Admits They Have No Evidence

The ancient Blood Libel is alive and well in Sweden.

From the Jerusalem Post:

The Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet, which caused a media stir in recent days with an article claiming IDF soldiers were harvesting organs from Palestinians, published an editorial on Monday denying Israeli claims.

"I'm not a Nazi," Aftonbladet editor Jan Helin wrote. "I'm not anti-Semitic."

Instead, he described himself as "a responsible editor who gave the green light to an article because it raises a few questions." He did note, however, that the paper had no evidence that such horrific practices were being carried out.

On Sunday, Aftonbladet published a follow-up article, defending the offending report written by freelance journalist Donald Bostrom. The second article maintained that the organ-harvesting matter "should be investigated, either to stop the relentless Palestinian rumors, or, if the rumors prove to be true, stop the trade in body parts."

Tell me how Jews are supposed to prove they have never killed anyone and harvested their organs for other uses. (If the accusation was pointing to one specific incident, then if there were cameras recording the incident it would be possible to prove the truth either way. But, in the case of an undocumented blanket accusation, one can not prove anything is NOT true.)

Logic (which is a hard science - like mathematics - not a squishy Postmodern "construct") tells us one can not prove a negative.

The Editors assertion and excuse is patently absurd. It is akin to saying, there are rumors that you have cheated on your wife from time to time. I'm going to publish an article stating so. Go ahead and prove it's not true.

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