Sunday, July 26, 2009


Right Truth has the exclusive - an essay by R.J. Godlewski.


  1. Thanks for spreading the article. R.J.Godlewski said the hardest thing about writing the article was limiting himself to JUST 10 reasons, ha.

    Deborah F. Hamilton
    Right Truth

  2. That article is too vague in my opinion.

    There are very specific reasons Obama should step down. He has committed an impeachable offense in firing the Inspectors General, and his handling of the Chrysler dealerships seems to have been an impeachable offense as well.

    Additionally, the fact that his Attorney General dropped charges against the Black Panthers for voter intimidation/fraud ought to be considered close to an impeachable offense. One may be able to prove it, if one accessed White House phone coversations and emails between Obama and Holder.

    Additionally, his handling of GM is outside the American Tradition.

    And, his continuous assault on our economy would appear to be treasonous, if it weren't that he has the excuse that he really seems to believe Socialism works.

    It does not help us to have a writer spout vague accusations at Obama. It makes us look foolish.

  3. Pastorius,
    To some extent, vagueness can be worked to "our" advantage.

    So many people are not interested in trying to understand Constitutional or American-tradition ideas.

    As for Chrysler and GM, well, right now those dealerships are offering the best deals along with "Cash for Clunkers," a program of this administration. People are feeling good about those car dealers right now and think BHO's management of those corporations is working to their advantage.

    The AG issue, as well as the IG, issue are usable if one can get people to understand the details.
