Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Should We Really Have a Morbidly Obese Surgeon General?

Cavuto raises a good point. Maybe someone who obviously downs sticks of butter all day shouldn't be telling us how to be healthy and what's good for us. I would sooner approve of Joe Camel as Surgeon General. He might actually live to see 70. This chick will not. Another seemingly inexplicable Obama appointment.

Somebody who looks like this has absolutely no right to tell me how to live my life. None. He clearly picked her because she's a pseudo-socialist:
Benjamin, 52, is founder of the Bayou La Batre Rural Health Clinic, which serves the poor, uninsured and other underserved patients in Mobile County, Ala.

Benjamin gained acclaim for her determination to rebuild her clinic after hurricanes George in 1998 and Katrina in 2005 shuttered the building. In 2006, a fire destroyed Benjamin's clinic just after flood damage was repaired. During this period, Benjamin, who often administers medical services to her patients for free, and her staff operated the clinic from a Federal Emergency Management Agency trailer.

Hers is the ultimate commie-shovel story. Followed to its logical conclusion, there will not be a single doctor left in America. This lardass is the only doctor in America who would advocate Obamacare. That's why he picked her.

But hey, she won an award named for a terrorist who married a cannibal.

1 comment:

  1. ObamaKare would promote managed care, which would target the obese.

    But the Surgeon General is a lardass?

    The hypocrisy is stunning.

    He clearly picked her because she's a pseudo-socialist

    Plus, she's black.
