Monday, July 20, 2009


The Yorkshire Post (via Interested Participant and The Jawa Report) tells of another Muslim convert in the blighty who planned to cause chaos:
A former public schoolboy who planned a suicide attack after becoming a radical Muslim was jailed yesterday.

Isa Ibrahim, 20, was in the "advanced" stages of planning an attack on a shopping centre before a tip off from the Muslim community prompted police to swoop.

When armed police stormed his Bristol flat they found he had made high explosive HMTD – the same substance used in the July 7 attacks – and had started work on a suicide vest.

The night before his arrest in April last year he had even gone to his father's house to get ball bearings to use as shrapnel. And he was working on a detonator.

Winchester Crown court heard he wanted to blow up the Broadmead Shopping Centre in Bristol – potentially inflicting massive casualties – and CCTV footage showed him making a reconnaissance.
And there we have yet another Muslim convert in the UK who's suggested that they're even more dangerous than converts in other parts of Europe. If someone from the Muslim community there really did alert the police, that's amazing, but doesn't mean there aren't more there who would turn a blind eye and deaf ear at the crime by contrast.

The Telegraph says he was also a cannabis addict. Another reason why venomous drugs like those can be dangerous to the mind.

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