Monday, July 06, 2009

The Kenyan in Moscow

Will it be more of this?

Hussein Soetoro chose the Independence Day weekend to journey to Moscow and finish the strategic arms negotiations with Russia.

As Jake Tapper reported, the administration has already announced that a plan to implement the renegotiated Treaty in advance of the Senate's ratification.

With the clock running out on a new US-Russian arms treaty before the previous Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START, expires on December 5, a senior White House official said Sunday said that the difficulty of the task might mean temporarily bypassing the Senate’s constitutional role in ratifying treaties by enforcing certain aspects of a new deal on an executive levels and a “provisional basis” until the Senate ratifies the treaty.

"The most ideal situation would be to finish it in time that it could be submitted to the Senate so that it can be ratified," said White House Coordinator for Weapons of Mass Destruction, Security and Arms Control Gary Samore. "If we're not able to do that, we'll have to look at arrangements to continue some of the inspection provisions, keep them enforced in a provisional basis, while the Senate considers the treaty."

What's the rush?

What will require such immediate implementation?

Soetoro's men are telegraphing the message that the Administration is going to agree to drastically reduce the arsenal of freedom.

And he will begin dismantling our Nation's defenses before the Senate can slow him down. Soetoro is so intent on weakening America that he fears the reaction of even a Senate his Party dominates.

Belmont Club notes the President's overtly stated pretense that Medvedev represents something other than Putin's faithful puppet, and he understands why
For Barack Obama to sell any agreement he reaches with the Russians, he must portray today’s Russia as being led by “new men”, reasonable men, men perceived to be unlike Vladimir Putin. In this way he can say that ‘new page’ has been turned; and America is now dealing with ‘people we can trust’. Obama probably knows that Medvedev only represents “a more accommodating face of Russia … only because Mr Putin wants him to”. But it suits his book to present Medvedev’s face or at the very least to portray Russia as a battlefield between “moderates and neo-conservatives”. The wool being pulled over isn’t over the President’s eyes but someone else’s.
As part and parcel of his Gramscian leftist agenda, the Obamessiah is preparing to surrender to the rump of the Soviet Union. He is hell bent on weakening America, knowing that when the bastion of freedom falters, leftist tyranny can spread unchecked throughout the world.

You don't think so? Then explain this away:

President Obama told Russia’s ITAR-TASS/ROSSIYA TV that his “goal is that both countries reduce their nuclear stockpiles in a way that doesn't leave either country with an advantage, but reduces tensions and the expense of maintaining such high nuclear stockpiles when they're not necessary for our defense and our deterrence."
Tell me why a President who wants to give up America's military superiority over a dangerous, adventurous tyrant is not guilty of treason.

He knows it is treason.

And that is why, as usual, he is relying on extra-Constitutional actions and his personal authority as glamour boy of the media in order to do it.

It is high time that the CIA reveal the documentary proof that he was, as his relatives insisted all along, born in Kenya and hence ineligible for the Presidency. That proof certainly exists, or the Obama Campaign would not have been at such pains to conceal it. Revealing the evidence now may be the last best hope for America and the world. With a nuclear Iran under Putin's protective wing, Chavezism running riot in Latin America, the economy in free fall, and the quiet jihad making steady gains across Western Europe, this moment may be our last chance to avoid years and years of tribulation.

1 comment:

  1. A President who wants to give up America's military superiority over a dangerous, adventurous tyrant is certainly guilty of treason.
