Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's Always Been About the Hatred

Glenn Beck, in the video below, states that Obama hates white people, to which Brian Kilmeade replies that Obama has surrounded himself with white people, and goes on to name Axelrod and Emanuel as examples. But Axelrod and Emanuel are not, as Obama would say, 'typical white people' (whatever 'typical white people' are); they are self-loathing Jews, the only kind Obama will have anything to do with. Obama does not just hate white people, either. Anyone who believes in affirmative action, special protected classes, etc. hates black people. Affirmative action is predicated on the belief that blacks are genetically inferior and cannot be held to the same standards as white people.

He's a flaming liberal. All this hatred ultimately originates within oneself and is ultimately directed toward oneself. Liberals like to punish success either because they feel that they do not deserve success or are incapable of achieving it and therefore want to bring others down to their level. They hate their country, the best country in the world, and feel that they do not deserve to inhabit such a good country so they seek to bring it down to, say, Kazakhstan's level. This is why liberals destroy everything they touch: if it's not terrible they hate it, and they hate it because they hate themselves. They then project this onto white men, Jews, Christians, blacks, etc.

Like Mohammedans who spend the first seven years of their lives with their oppressed, degraded, abused mothers, all the while absorbing their inferiority complex, low self-esteem, and victim mentality, then spend the rest of their lives projecting every aspect this self-loathing onto Jews, women, Americans, etc., and spend Fridays at the mosque commiserating with others and getting whipped up in all the vitriol, liberals bask in self-loathing and then project every negative aspect which they ultimately ascribe to themselves onto others.

Obama not only spent his life doing that, but then sought out a Chicago version of it in Rev. Wright's church where he could delude himself into thinking that this was normal. Unlike Ann Dunham, a normal American woman with any semblance of mental health does not whore herself as a second prostitute ('wife') to an alcoholic pedophile from the Third World. Obama understandably hates his mother, despicable human being that she was, and he hates all white people by extension. He hates blacks as well, probably having internalized some racism to which he was subjected in Indonesia (which is not the tolerant paradise many believe it to be, but rather a country in which widespread pogroms of Chinese people are common). He clearly hates Jews, since Jews are generally successful people and not only achieve this success legitimately, without special consideration or quotas, but do so against all odds. Most of all, Obama hates success, knowing that he never deserved any of the success he's achieved in life, being an Arab student visa racket case and a Chicago machine prop who got to where he did using lies, a teleprompter, intimidation, and thuggery, all the while being held to a much lower standard than his counterparts, even his black counterparts like Alan Keyes, who never bribed anyone, intimidated anyone, race-baited, or lied, but rather, ran on his own merits and on the merits of his beliefs.

Possessing not a shred of legitimacy himself, Obama seeks to de-legitimize the legitimate, like Officer Crowley, who did his job and did it properly. He didn't do what he did out of racism or because the machine paid him to. He did it because it was standard operating procedure, the law, and the right thing to do. Obama hates this. He surrounds himself with illegitimate characters, like the unintelligent, racist affirmative action cases, Sonia Sotomayor and Professor Gates, and Rahm 'Dead Fish' Emanuel, who got to where he is through out-and-out thuggery.

Liberals generally have to sugarcoat facts and mislead people to get them to believe that their ideas - like racism, eugenics, the destruction of one's own country - are normal or healthy. Obama is getting increasingly worse at this as his racist, America-hating, Jew-hating, success-hating, old people-hating, baby-hating, Christian-hating veneer wears thin and as his illegitimacy becomes more incontrovertible. Obama's only legitimate, acceptable attribute is that he promised us transparency and he has made good on that promise.


  1. I agree very much that self-hatred is a strong component of liberalism, self-hatred turned outward and directed at others. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

    This was a great post; you vented your spleen and so did I vicariously as I read it. Bravo!

  2. Thank you very much. You might enjoy 'Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder' by Michael Savage. I sure did.

