Friday, July 24, 2009


Wow, looks like Germany is still keeping on with its pretentions: they're going to give an award to one Felicia Langer, who, if she's Israeli herself, is a traitor:
Germany's decision to issue its highest honor to Israeli attorney Felicia Langer, a fierce critic of the Jewish state, has prompted the government in Jerusalem to rebuke the federal republic's president, Horst Köhler, in uncharacteristically strong language.

Langer has "over the years consistently supported the forces that promote violence, death and extremism," Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday. "Anyone who wishes to award her a prize must bear in mind the consequences of legitimizing such positions of intolerance and bad faith."

Langer has called Israel the "apartheid of the present."
Let's also note how people like her and Jimmy Carter wanted that apartheid to begin with, by pushing for a palestinian state, to say nothing of condoning Islam's refusal to integrate with the societies it lives with.
Langer has praised speeches from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and terms the Central Council of Jews in Germany as a "branch of the Israeli Embassy."

The German media are saturated with the unfolding controversy surrounding Langer and her supporters within the government. Israeli governments rarely criticize Germany, but there are concerns in Jerusalem that the Federal Republic's praise of Langer casts doubts on Israel's legitimacy.

The last public row between Israel and Germany revolved around the German-Iranian trade relationship. Aaron Abramovicht hen-director-general of the Foreign Ministry, blasted Germany's economic support for the Iranian regime last summer as manifested by the decision to allow German companies to supply three facilities to liquefy natural gas.

The president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Charlotte Knobloch, on Wednesday termed Langer a 'friend of Ahmadinejad" and a "supporter of Stalin.' She wrote in an e-mail obtained by the Post that the "decision [to honor Langer] was not properly researched." Knobloch is herself a recipient of the award.

An angry secretary-general of the Central Council, Stephan J. Kramer, on Thursday blasted Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer for his unwavering support for Langer.

Reached on his mobile phone in Ben-Gurion Airport, before his return to Berlin, Kramer told the Post that Palmer "should be ashamed of himself" for supporting the Iranian regime and the Federal Cross of Merit for Langer.

"There is a distinction between legitimate criticism of Israel and delegitimizing the State of Israel," said Kramer, adding that Lange's statements were "anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist" because she sought to strip Israel of its legitimacy as the homeland for Jews.
If she's really from Israel, she ought to be exiled for her abominations. Israel should have nothing to do with such a foul person. And Germany's government/president should be ashamed of themselves for legitimizing her positions by giving her an award she does not deserve.

1 comment:

  1. There are Arabs in Israel. They have businesses, they vote, they have MP's.

    In Gaza, there are no Jews allowed.

    So, which is the apartheid state?
