Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Game Over, Race-Baiting Racist

Black cops vow to never vote for Obama again. It's a good thing, seeing as how he and Holder have done everything they could to de-fang our first responders of all stripes and get them killed in the line of duty.

Now the soldiers!
“Enough is enough! You must be aware at this point of the tempest brewing among the Rank and File. I am writing you in an effort to appeal to your sense of concern for the Military; a concern we share not only for the Military as a whole but for each and every individual who wears the Uniform in the Service of our Country. I am in this regard specifically asking you for your help. I implore you to not wait until the “pot boils over” and we find ourselves in total disarray.”
No wonder Obama's importing Hamas to our shores. He wants his own Basiji thugs for when law enforcement and the military back the people in backing the Constitution - which I, unlike many, never had any doubt they would - and it becomes all-too apparent that means directly defying Obama in letter and in spirit.

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