Monday, June 15, 2009


The son of James Von Brunn, who murdered the guard Stephen Tyrone Johns at the US Holocaust Memorial, says he wishes his father had died instead of the guard:
Also on Thursday, von Brunn's 32-year-old son, Erik, released a statement to ABC News, condemning his father's beliefs and actions, and decrying the results of his father's shooting attack.

"I cannot express enough how deeply sorry I am it was Mr. Johns, and not my father who lost their life yesterday [Wednesday]," wrote Erik. "It was unjustified and unfair that he died, and while my condolences could never begin to offer appeasement, they, along with my remorse is all I have to give."

Erik, who grew up in the shadow of his father's hatred, also offered advice to Aryans, "For the extremists who believe my father is a hero: it is imperative you understand what he did was an act of cowardice," Erik wrote. "To physically force your beliefs onto others with violence is not brave, but bullying. Doing so only serves to prove how weak those beliefs are. It is simply desperation, reminiscent of a temper tantrum when a child cannot get his way."
I'm glad the son realizes the wrongness of his father's way. The vile bastard should be put to death for the murder he committed, and not provided with medical attention at all.

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