Monday, June 15, 2009


The 1972 discovery of the earliest surviving Quranic manuscripts in the Great Mosque of Sana'a conclusively shows that the present Quran is different from the early manuscripts. It proves the Islamic claim---that the Quran is infallability, that it is Allah's original revelation word by word, and that it is copy of the version kept in a tablet in heaven---outright false.

... The devastating truth is that a large number of ancient Quranic manuscripts, dating from first century of Hijra were discovered in the Great Mosque of Sana’a (Yemen), which significantly differs from the present standard one. Carbon dating system confirmed that these Qurans are not forged one by religious rivalries. Moreover, these Qurans were discovered by Muslims, not infidels.

This is, probably, the most embarrassing event to Muslims in the 1,400-year history of Islam.

... Until now, only three ancient copies of the Quran are found. The one preserved in the British Library in London, dates from the late seventh century and was thought to be the oldest one. But the Sana’a manuscripts are even older. Moreover, these manuscripts are written in a script that originates from the Hijaz—the region of Arabia where prophet Muhammad lived, which makes them not only the oldest to have survived, but one of the earliest authentic copies of the Quran ever.

... The ancient texts were found to be devastatingly and disturbingly at odds with the existing form. There are unconventional verse ordering, small but significant textual variations, different orthography (spelling) and different artistic embellishment (decoration).

It shattered the orthodox Muslim belief that the Quran, as it has reached us today, is “the perfect, timeless, and unchanging Word of God”. It means Quran has been distorted, perverted, revised, modified and corrected, and textual alterations had taken place over the years purely by Human hands.

The sacred aura surrounding this Holy Scripture of Islam, which remained intact for some 14 centuries is gone with this astonishing discovery and the ‘core belief’ of 1.4b Muslims that the Quran is the eternal, unaltered word of God is now clearly visible as a great hoax, a downright falsehood.

... As if it is not enough, many manuscripts showed the sign of palimpsests, i.e., versions very clearly written over even earlier washed off versions. The underwriting of palimpsest is, of course, often difficult to read visually, but modern tools, such as ultraviolet photography, can highlight them. It suggests that the Sana’a manuscripts are not only variants to the present version of the Quran, but the Sana’a manuscripts themselves were variants of earlier version, re-written on the same paper. It means, Allah’s claim that original text is preserved in heaven on golden tablets (Q 56: 77–78; 85:21–22), which none can touch except angels is also a fairy-tale.

... Today, when the divinity of the Quran is shattered by the Sana’a manuscripts, the spiritual nature of Islam is also exposed. Islam is nothing but a pure Arab political movement. The Divinity was attached to the Quran, when Arabs started conquering the surrounding nations, and Islam was imposed on them by force. Arabs not only imposed Islam on others, but also imposed this irrational belief of Quranic divinity to the minds of their victims, so that once Arabs are gone, the conquered people cannot come out from this mental enslavement, and return back to their original faith. It is a rare political skill.

Many companions of Muhammad clearly knew that the Quran was fake, but they remained with their prophet to share the booty and to enjoy the women. We all know, after Muhammad’s death, several Arab tribes returned back to their original belief, and idolatry flourished, but were forced back to Islam with the sword and bloodbath.






  1. I first read of the Sana'a fragments three years ago...and I wrote of a similar coverup in Germany last year...when is Gerd Puin - or Angelika Neuwirth for that matter - going to conclude and publish the results of the research?

    It's beyond time to slay this beast!

  2. Hi,

    Can you please give some examples like comparing Sana's script and the present Quran's scripts!? Just writing something after reading something on the internet isn't really appropriate righr!?

    Sure when we try to interpret a script to another language the meaning wouldn't always be understood perfectly. And if in case the latter is a script too, then most things wouldn't turn up well. I think this is what could have happened here. But nevertheless please furnish some examples. I wanna know more..

  3. Dear Author,

    Thanks for posting the link so fast.

    Even I have gone through the page you have given here. Much earlier actually. There are other posts as well. But nobody had compared any sentences from the newly found (though it was found sometime ago) with the already existing Quran.

    As I already noted before, both are scripts. And the Sana's Script is an extinct one, an old one. There are even photos of the newly found pages. Where it clearly could be seen that some were overwritten. I am not implying that the words which were erased are the one's we have now and it was replaced by Sana's script or something. But it was overwritten for some reason. But I think we can't conclude with only this.

    Plus maybe when the script was interpreted to a new script, people often get confused with the meanings. And that's when they might have used the help of tradition to demonstrate the meanings. It could happen with any script. If we try to translate a sentence from Hebrew to Arabic we wouldn't always be able to present the clear picture. And with all these ancient scripts, including Sanskrit if we even change the order of just one or two words in a sentence, the whole meaning would seem to be changing. Maybe that's what could have happened here.
    And as for the Quranic verses mentioned in your posts, it says that it is preserved. The Quran is preserved. But the meaning we can derive from it could be different. It may sound so lame, but its true. To get the right meaning we have something called common sense. You seem like a good researcher, I request you to research on the way the sentences are constructed in the Quran and see if it could be interpreted, in another way(if ever you have free time and only if you will and wish, honestly not to sound rude or critical or something)
    I'm also sure that the Muslim Orientalists and Scholars have been doing it already. I just hope that we'd be able to see the real light soon. I feel ashamed that I haven't done it yet. But if god willing, maybe I will.

    Thanks again. Please don't get annoyed seeing a lengthy comment. I have tried to make it as short as possible.

    Have a great day... :)

  4. Sir please read a book and comment.....Islam in the lights of a famous scholar rafat amari.....pulse make close study on hajj...Ramadan....mecca....hubol.....paganism....

  5. When I tread this article it took me to the road of doubt the Qur'an was changed through history and it is not as sacred as we thought. However I went on several websites that dealt with the same issue including Wikipedia and did extensive research. After 5 days of reading and scrutinizing I found the whole list of so called differences written in old Arabic language. There was no Aramaic language as claimed by some. As an Arab and have a degree in Arabic literature, I found out that the old Arabic language in which the Qur'an was written , did not change much except of introducing the " punctuation " and " word connections " to the newly written Qur'an. Those punctuations and words connections made the Qur'an to be easier to understand and made the sentences more clear to the reader. No difference in the meanings and the changes did not change the Qur'an as this article says. This article is not telling the truth and I am not sure how much Arabic the editor knows to judge and write this article.

  6. I have read about Sanaa Quran; how it was discovered and the process took by the First Judge in Sanaa to analyse it and prove of the date it was written (during the time of Khalifa Othman) by using modern technology by some German scientists and with the help of Muslim scholars and scientists. It was when 4 pages (2 papers) where stolen and when the Judge discovered that those German scientists started to divert from the main cause of the work they were asked to perform and it was on that time that the Judge decided to to stop the work and kept and looked the Sanaa Quran in the Sanaa museum. I do not know if it is still kept their or not. The results of the research on the script were exactly as it was detailed by Mr. Ramzi Haroun. If, as mentioned by the article (and as i heard), that a version date back to the seventh century (Sanaa Quran is older) is kept in the British Museum or Library, then why the British do not publish it to the Public? The reason is that the version of the Quran they keep is exactly the same as the one we read today. Any how as a Muslim in the case of the Quran it is a matter of belief. Allan said in the Quran that the text were revealed and I (Allah) will keep it (انا نحن نزلنا الذكر وانا له لحافظون). It is kept in the hearts of Muslims and I do not care of materialistic proof demanded by the west. Although, the Sanaa Quran text is an ideal proof for them.
