Saturday, June 06, 2009

Pole Dancing Classes Mandatory in Singapore

Below is a weekend reading list of posts published yesterday and today at Bob McCarty Writes. Enjoy:
  • Pole Dancing Classes Mandatory in Singapore -- THIS IS NOT A JOKE! Frustrated officials in the Singaporean government, hoping to raise young adults’ interest in making babies instead of just money, have lost their collective mind and ordered pole dancing to be taught in its elite schools, according to a recent post at the Former American Professor in China blog...
  • Breitbart Confirms Why ‘I Don’t Listen to Hollywood’ -- In the “Uncommon Knowledge” video above, The Hoover Institution’s Peter Robinson interviews Andrew Breitbart about a wide range of topics related to the intertwining of the entertainment industry and politics. If you have 30 minutes to spare, I strongly recommend you watch the entire program and then share it with folks you know...
  • Investigation Launched Into Abortion Doc’s Murder -- Below is the the first paragraph of a just-released news release about the Justice Department’s decision to launch an investigation into the murder of controversial late-term abortion provider, Dr. George Tiller...
  • No Rain, But Many Umbrellas at Tiananmen Square -- On the 20th anniversary of the bloodshed known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, there appeared to have been little or no rain clouds at the site in Beijing where university students waged an anti-government protest. There were, however, enough umbrella-toting government officials present to prevent members of the Western news media from reporting much news from the heart of mainland China...
  • Prediction: Crude Oil Price to Jump 31 Percent! -- When Rush Limbaugh mentioned Goldman Sachs' prediction about the price of oil on his radio show Friday, I decided to share the statement American Petroleum Institute President Jack Gerard issued Thursday about the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee 2009 energy bill...
  • Must-Read: The Speech Obama Should Have Made -- As I read the transcript of the speech President Barack Obama delivered to the Muslim world from Cairo University, I was struck by what the president said and didn’t say in the speech. Sol Sanders was struck as well. The big difference, however, is that he made his observations prior to the speech in his piece published Wednesday in the World Tribune...

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