WASHINGTON — As the health care debate heats up, the American Medical Association is letting Congress know that it will oppose creation of a government-sponsored insurance plan, which President Obama and many other Democrats see as an essential element of legislation to remake the health care system.YES WE CAN KILL OBAMACARE, RESCIND THE PORKULUS, AND PRIVATIZE GM!
The opposition, which comes as Mr. Obama prepares to address the powerful doctors’ group on Monday in Chicago, could be a major hurdle for advocates of a public insurance plan. The A.M.A., with about 250,000 members, is America’s largest physician organization.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
NYTIMES: Doctors’ Group Opposes Public Insurance Plan
Keep a close watch on the AMA. The "bones" the government could throw at them--subsidized malpractice insurance, limits on lawsuits--could sway them. They have a weak leader at the AMA. I saw this, told a couple physicians and they laughed at the AMA. It was a little distressing. Yes, they lobby and donate lots of cash, but the government can easily screw the docs because of Medicare fees. They may have to eat their words at some point. Someone or some liberal group got pissed off in the 80s when docs were really making money. Well, procedures got better, and the skillset was raised. The better the doctor, the more he can get paid. Excellence in a field, a top doc. They demand certain fees--and should get them. Frankly, I'd rather see the specialist who drives a Maserati, than the one who drives a Plymouth. Kind of like the attorney who has a Porsche GT Turbo than the one driving a Hugo. Who's more successful--and don't give me that "frugal" crap. Great docs and attorneys and any anyone else who makes money does reward themselves with "toys". I digress from the original point--but keep a sharp on on the AMA.