Wednesday, June 17, 2009


A letter from the Iranian Minister of the Interior Sadeq Mahsooli to Ayatollah Khamenei appears to prove that the opposition won the election.
The letter was presented to the public by Europe Pariliamentmember Daniel Cohn Bendit and Iranian Filmmaker Marjane Satrapi .
To his higness and spiritual leader Ayatollah Khamenei ,

In consideration of Your concerns regarding the 10th Presidential election as well as the fact the You have concluded in these important and critical days that it is best for the Islamic Republic that Mr. Ahmadinejad continues as præsident, I would inform you that we will announce the results of this election to the Iranian people in a way that will serve our revolution and regime best. Furthermore, we will use all our tools to maintain the situation after the election under our full control, and that we will hold the three opposition candidates and party leaders under sharp observationi and control.
Furthermore I can inform You that the true results of the election were:

Total votes: 42.026.078
Mir-Hossein Mousavi Khamaneh: 19.075.623
Mehdi Karrubi: 13.387.104
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: 5.698.417
Mohasen Rezaie Mir Ghaed: 3.754.218
Invalid votes: 38.716
Interior Minister Sadeq Mahsooli
Of course I would not be suprised that the Iranian Regime will claim the letter is a fraud.
Stay tuned...

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