Sunday, June 21, 2009


When Bush was POTUS Germany and France were led by Schroeder and Chirac - two double-dealing no good appeasing weasels. THEY HELPED PUTIN AND SADDAM MORE THAN THE FREE WORLD.


NOW... The USA is led a by a no good socialist weasel and Germany and France are led by conservatives who are unafraid of attacking the Iranian regime and sup[porting the Iranian people:
Iran: Sarkozy and Merkel are leading critics

Le président français Nicolas Sarkozy et la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel ont pris dimanche la tête des critiques contre les autorités iraniennes, au lendemain d'une manifestation lors de laquelle au moins dix personnes ont été tuées et plus de cent blessées.

The french president Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel took the lead Sunday of the criticisms against the Iranian authorities, following a demonstration at which at least ten people were killed and over hundred injured.

Le président français Nicolas Sarkozy et la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel ont pris dimanche la tête des critiques contre les autorités iraniennes, au lendemain d'une manifestation lors de laquelle au moins dix personnes ont été tuées et plus de cent blessées.

The french president Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel took the lead Sunday of the criticisms against the Iranian authorities, following a demonstration at which at least ten people were killed and over hundred injured.

M. Sarkozy a réclamé "que la lumière soit faite" sur l'élection présidentielle qui a abouti à la réélection contestée du président Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, et Mme Merkel a appelé à "un nouveau décompte des voix".

Mr Sarkozy called for "the truth" about the presidential election that resulted in the disputed reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Ms Merkel has called for "a fresh vote. Tous deux ont réclamé la fin de la répression et des violences contre les manifestants. Both have called for an end of repression and violence against demonstrators.

"Ce qui se passe en Iran est extrêmement inquiétant, et l?attitude des autorités de Téhéran face au désir légitime de vérité d?une grande partie de la population iranienne est inexcusable", a déclaré M. Sarkozy dans une interview à l'agence de presse qatarie Qatar News Agency.

"What is happening in Iran is extremely worrying, and l? Attitude of the authorities in Tehran to face legitimate desire of truth from a large part of the Iranian people is inexcusable," said Sarkozy in an interview with the agency Qatar News Qatar News Agency.

"Téhéran, après avoir conduit son peuple à l?isolement en se mettant de lui-même au ban de la communauté internationale" en raison de son programme nucléaire, à visée militaire selon les Occidentaux, "le prive aujourd?hui de ses droits démocratiques les plus élémentaires", affirme M. Sarkozy dans cette interview dont le texte a été publié dimanche sur le site internet de la présidence.

"Tehran, after leading his people to? Isolation by putting itself beyond the pale of the international community" because of its nuclear program, referred to as Western military, "deprives today's democratic rights of its the most basic, "said Sarkozy in this interview which was published Sunday on the website of the Presidency.

Pour M. Sarkozy, "il faut que la lumière soit faite sur ces élections", "il faut que la répression et les violences contre des manifestants pacifiques cessent", "il faut que les libertés d?expression, de communication, que le travail des journalistes, iraniens comme étrangers, soient respectés".

Mr Sarkozy, "it must shed light on these elections," it is necessary for the repression and violence against peaceful demonstrators cease "," should be freedom of expression, communication, work Journalists, Iranian and foreign, are respected. "

Auparavant, Mme Merkel s'est elle aussi montrée particulièrement déterminée. Previously, Ms. Merkel has also proved very determined. "J'appelle fermement les dirigeants iraniens (...) à procéder à un nouveau décompte des voix de la présidentielle", at-elle déclaré dans un communiqué.

"I firmly (...) Iranian leaders to make a fresh vote of the presidential election," she said in a statement.
There's no getting around it folks: If France and Germany are leading the way, then it can only mean - ONLY PROVE - that Obama is a lousy appeasing piece of crap.



  1. At this point, the United States is no longer the leader of the Free World.

  2. What did I say on the phone yesterday, AOW? I said, as weird as it is to say, the fact that this woman is beautiful means a lot to the power of this video.
