Thursday, May 07, 2009

WOULD OBAMA DARE VETO "The Keep Terrorists Out of America Act"?


On January 22, 2009, President Obama signed an executive order to close the Guantanamo Bay prison that holds hundreds of the world’s most dangerous terrorists within one year. This decision was made without a backup plan in place for where these terrorists would go. So the key question remains: What is our nation’s plan for dealing with these terrorists? Will they be brought into the United States? Will they be released back onto the battlefield? These questions haven’t been answered, and the American people deserve answers.

The Keep Terrorists Out of America Act gives Members of Congress an opportunity to stand with the American people by affirming their opposition to releasing the terrorists at Guantanamo prison or bringing them into the United States.

It also makes clear that governors and state legislatures must pre-approve the transfer or release of any terrorist detainee into their respective states.

And lastly it requires the President to meet strict criteria and certification standards before terrorists housed at the Guantanamo prison could be brought to the United States.


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