Wednesday, May 20, 2009


In the entertainment section. How appropriate.

Excerpt from this item in the WaPo:

So, Bill Clinton got a new title yesterday: United Nations special envoy to Haiti. Something to occupy his time? Don't worry -- he's been plenty busy.


...[S]pokesman Matt McKenna told us yesterday[,] "He does an incredible amount on very little sleep."

With his wife's new job, Clinton can't earn anywhere close to last year's $6 million in speaking fees, but he's free to hang with all sorts of glamorous folks: Will.I.Am, Jessica Alba, Mike Myers and Sarah Silverman at a Hollywood fundraiser for his foundation last month; Fran Drescher, Eva Longoria Parker, Pamela Anderson and Katy Perry at the Life Ball benefit in Vienna last Saturday; Sharon Stone, Harvey Weinstein and Annie Lennox at an AIDS charity dinner tomorrow at the Cannes Film Festival, where he'll auction off his saxophone.
Building a harem? The women are flocking to him - certain women, that is.

Of course, the WaPo had to praise Slick Willie's new appoinment as special envoy to Haiti:
The new job is a natural fit for Clinton...
Wonder how Hillary feels about all his traveling with women hanging all over him? Maybe she's too busy or too busy watching her own back to care.

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