Saturday, May 23, 2009


Greece has just endured a Muslim riot of its own, over the alleged defacing of a Koran (via Jihad Watch):
Dozens of cars have been smashed, 14 people injured and 46 arrested in riots by Muslim migrants over the alleged defacing of a Koran by a policeman.

Police fired tear gas and stun grenades at hundreds of protesters outside Parliament in the city centre.

Police said they would investigate the allegation that an officer tore up an Iraqi migrant's Koran while checking his identity papers in Athens last week. "But this isolated incident cannot justify these acts of violence," said Interior Minister Christos Markoyiannakis.
It won't be an isolated incident much longer if they continue to allow these "migrants" to enter their country.


  1. First Turkey will become party to radicalized Islam. Then Greece. If I were Italy, I would start mining the waters between the peninsulas.

  2. The riot police should have opened fire on these a**holes.
