Friday, May 22, 2009


One consistent thing I've noticed over the last decade I have been firmoy on the Right is that people on the Right regularly read the Left-wing MSM - like the NYTIMES and the Beeb and the Huffpo and Daily Kos, but that Lefties NEVER DO.

The Left hates Fox - but never watches it.
The Left HATES talkradio - but never listens to it.
The Left won't read the WSJ or or LUCIANNE or POWERLINE or GATEWAY, and so on.

The Left is like the juror who only listens to one side of the case and yet think he can come up with the right verdict.

It can't happen; they can't determine the correct verdict, except by luck.

This is why they're dupes.

To get un-duped all they have to do is EVERYDAY read NRO and/or the WSJ and/or GATEWAY. And listen to Rush or Levin. And watch Hannity.

Not to the EXCLUSION of their left-wing crap, just in addition to it.

It would open their eyes. And allow them to see the light.


  1. I fail to understand how the WSJ is a conservative paper. I don't even know how they could be more liberal short of fabricating 'Palestinian' death scenes and being in a partnership with Al-Jizz like the Crescent News Network. They commission Julia Gorin and then never print her articles even though it's now indisputable fact that Kosovo was a fabricated humanitarian crisis and the only genocide that took place was NATO-on-Serb.
