Sunday, May 24, 2009


People all over the world have tried it over the decades - in various forms, from the USSR, to China, in North Korea, in Cuba, in pre-Thatcher Britain, during the USA's "Great Society" era, in Zimbabwe, in all of eastern Europe. It didn't work that well ANYWHERE.

What makes Obama think it will work better here and now?

I think it's Obama's Hubris. His mgalomania - which is fueled by fair amount or pent up hostility to whites, America, the wealthy, and the West. And revenge for his father.

And this hostile hubris is deeply informed by Alinsky and black liberation theology.

In other words: Obama is a radical, but one who dares not be honest about it; instead, Obama lies and pushes programs which will bring a Chavez-like/Mugabe-ish regime to America in INCREMENTS.

NO MATTER: This man, this time, this country: It ain't gonna work, folks. It's gonna do what it always does: make us less free, less prosperous.

It already has...

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