Sunday, May 31, 2009

Buyer Beware: The Branding of Socialism, Economic Justice, and Unions

On May 11, 2009, the LA Times published an article regarding Obama's remaking or REBRANDING of certain phrases--CAP and TRADE, GLOBAL WARMING--ALL phrases that have negative effects with the common American. Nowadays, Americans are more hung up on pop culture, the Obama "brand" itself, the swagga of our new "President." (I'll let you figure out why I used the quotes.)

With a marketing background and some 20 years experience, it's not hard to figure out what's really going on here--the leftists are branding every piece of legislation that comes down the pike. Think I'm kidding let's take a look: CARD CHECK, REAL ID, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Multi-Generational American Enslavement Act), Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, Federal Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, and the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 among some of them.

ALL of the bills sound great and even chic on paper or in conversation. I mean who would be against Hate Crime legislation, or a bill memorializing Blair, right? Wrong! When you read the bills (and we here encourage Congress to do just that--READ THE BILLS--they are dangerous.

From the LA Times article:
"Words that have been vetted in focus groups and polls are seeping into the White House lexicon, while others considered too scary or confounding are falling away.Today, aides in Obama's Council on Environmental Quality will meet with a research and marketing group that is promoting an alternative to the phrase "global warming," which some pollsters say fails to capture the idea of greenhouse gases threatening the environment."There is value in trying to get the messaging right," said a senior White House environmental aide, who was not authorized to speak on the record. "Because at the end of the day this is tricky policy. . . . We want to make sure we're talking in a way that people understand."

TRANSLATION: we want to make sure each and every fool on the street who voted for us will believe our load of crap.

More from the article:
"Results of a recent poll by the Mellman Group were also shared with the White House. The Washington consulting firm undertook a survey for environmentalists that polled 800 likely voters in late March. Its 45-page report recommended playing up the idea that curbing global warming would create jobs.The survey tested 19 phrases and found "clean energy jobs" had the widest appeal, with 42% of the respondents "very enthusiastic" about it."Cap and trade," by contrast, ranked next to last, with only 7% registering enthusiasm."

An a separate note, another interesting bill by Rep. Flake of AZ Raising a question of the privileges of the House of Reps.

Americans have become so dumbed down, that Congress has resorted to marketing firms to get one over on you. It's really that simple...even socialism can be branded and people will buy it.

The LA Times article: Read it, understand it, own it.


  1. good one.

    one quibble:

    i don't think americans have become "dumbed down".

    i think lettists are dupes and folks trapped in 1960's thinking,

    and i think the swing voter is naive and under-informed/misinformed by the leftists msm.

    reaching this swing voter is the key to winning elections.

    they need to be deprogrammed with lucid arguments and common sense and practical solutions which appeal to basic american values.

    the leftists need to be whacked over the head with 2x4 repeatedly.

  2. This is an interesting article from Pravda:

    If you look at TV and reality shows (good grief) and the other night I actually tuned into to some TV, which is rare, I just couldn't believe my eyes. Thank goodness I was reared by WWII generation parents! Yes, the swing vote is's going to be tough to beat the MSM influence, Bush=bad, but I am literally banking on Obama taking almost 65% of the MSM's income (upper 2%) by the time he's done--they're gonna be pissed at that.

  3. I keep saying it. Leftists/democrats = whining, screaming children. GOP/Constitutionalists/Libertarians (who should reallyget together) = the parents that should shut the left up. They also need to MASTER Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. I know I sound like a broken record, but it's true.
